Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5 Things

Fun/Cool Things from this week so far (it's only Tuesday!)

1. Yesterday, I was the only substitute in my "old" class, KG1L, so I didn't see my newest class, KG1D/S, unless it was in the hall or whatever.  Anyways, Khaled from KG1S saw me and yelled out, "MISS SOPHIE!" and was waving the ASL symbol for "I love you."  AWWW.

2. Also, yesterday, I was reading KG1L a story during circle time then asked them about rhyming words.  I prompted them with 'run' and got 'bun' (way to go!) then prompted them with 'kick' and got 'dick.'  HAHAHAHA.  Except I couldn't laugh because the principal, Ms. D, was in the class.  Dammit.

3. This morning, I saw Ms. D (principle) and she was smiling and said, "You did a great job yesterday!"  MWAHAHA.  Suckas.

4. This one isn't as awesome, but it's sorta awesome.  I have been on recess duty this week and was squatting against the wall talking to a student when I saw Abdullah from my "old" class and waved.  Suddenly he was up and running towards me with a devilish grin on his face.  I had an inner dialogue conflict thingie where one part of me was saying, "STAND UP!" and the other was like, "Naw, he's not going that fast..."  Then I got whammed into, knocking my head really hard against the wall twice!  And then I cut my lip.  So now I have cuts on my inner lip.  Awesome.  I had to go to the nurse.  No, I did not cry.

5. Dust storm!

Peace, love, & gritty sandwiches.

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