Friday, May 25, 2012

A Contemplative Post


Last night the family had a relatively late night and so everyone (but me) is still sleeping at 8:35 on a Friday morning.  This has given me adequate time to do some homework, read some blogs, and think.  YAY!

These are some of the things I was thinking:

1. This time last year, I was getting ready to leave Korea in about 10 days time and start my summer adventure in Vietnam, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Monaco, California, OK, and VA.  I honestly can't remember how I was feeling at this time last year except for probably overwhelmed and maybe a little disappointed in myself that I didn't give Korea more of a chance.  Se la vie, I suppose.

2. I realized last night, that I have found (with help from the rents) a great group of people here in Kuwait.  You wanna know how I realized that?  I said the WEIRDEST most non-sensical thing and they didn't really judge me too much and I didn't feel embarrassed.  That's always a good sign that you've found good people. 

3. I feel good.  I feel happy.  I am happy.  It has been a great deal of help having my parents here and helping me with the transition to this completely different world than any other world I've been in and I have to give them most of the credit for that.  But, yea, I'm happy.  I'm teaching, I'm going to school, and I'm [hopefully] making lasting friendships, while continuing to build older friendships as well. 

4. I am grateful.  This sort of coincides with #3, but whatever.  I'm grateful that I there are still some friends of mine from college and definitely friends of mine from travels that like to keep in touch just as much as I do.  I am grateful for the opportunity to experience a new place and grateful for the chance to travel and make my dreams come true!

5. This isn't as serious.  A really really really good friend of mine will most likely be teaching in China next year and just so happens to have the month of January and February off.  I have the month of February off.  This means we will probably end up reunited in a new place :) Also, another new friend of mine that I have grown quite close to will also be in China and will be able to travel, too!  I feel so lucky!

That's it.  I thought I heard someone stirring, but nope.  Nada.  Oh well.

Peace, love, & happiness.


  1. Went to Underground to say bye to Sunny last night. I think he was trying to kill me. Pebbles exchange sooooooon!!

    1. Hahaha, oh shit. You should go again during the week!!! I can't wait! I will kakao you now. Answer.
