Friday, August 31, 2012


That's me.  I'm not trying to be all high and mighty (okay, so maybe I am :P), but I am pretty lucky.  Most people I have met here don't have anyone.  I hate that.  I've been there and I know how it feels and, while, I know how it feels I don't know how to help them because everyone is so different.  The only thing I can think of is lending out my own parents (who are here, lucky me).  I know my parents don't mind it (right, guys?!?!), so that's cool.

Having my parents here definitely makes me lucky, but so does my advantage of having been here before.  I still have a couple of cool and close friends from my other school I was at last year and that's pretty lucky.  I like a large group of people, that way I don't get bored or have the same conversations about the same old stuff over and over again.  I like the mix and I like the ability to swing back and forth and then put them both together.  I like it.  It's fun.  And it's lucky.

Having my parents and "old" friends here makes me lucky, but so does my new friends.  They are awesome.  Seriously.  I'm not sure how I got so lucky.  Everyone gets along really well and everyone is really supportive and caring.  I love it.  There are always new things to do and to see and to talk about and to learn about.  Did I mention that they are some of the most caring and nice people ever?  Because they are.  I feel safe and happy when I'm with them.  They make me smile and laugh a lot and we all know how much I love doing that. 

Anyways.  I feel lucky and special.  That's a good feeling, ya know? 

Peace, love, & warm fuzzies

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