Friday, July 20, 2012

These Days...

Watching the news these days is usually a bone-chilling, heart-heavying, tear-inducing affair.  There is rarely anything good that we hear going on in the world.  What comes on the news are things about shootings, murders, bombings, political fuck ups, and the likes.  (I type this as I sit and watch the breaking news on NBC Today on the Colorado shooting).  Because of these things, I feel like we need to take more time to be grateful and smile and say "I love you" (S/O to Katie Mitchell for inspiring these words).  With all the horrible things going on in the world, we need to take the time out of our "busy" and "hectic" days to sit and reflect upon what makes this world a good place, because there are good things happening every day even if they aren't broadcasted, even if no one is begging for attention because they did something good, there are good things. 

Some of my good things:
  • friends that stay in touch
  • family that will always hold you dear
  • hugs and kisses
  • laughter
  • a job that provides a roof over 
  • my head and food in my mouth
  • the ability to dream
  • the power to achieve those dreams
  • the ability to feel
  • being able to see the world
  • to meet new people 
  • to share new/old experiences
  • learn about new things from people, places, etc.
And so so much more... What are your good things?

Peace, love, & LOVE.


  1. A good thing for me today is finding your adorable blog! How did I not know about it sooner??

    Another good thing is that it's going to be a rainy Friday in Richmond, VA, so I didn't have to fix my hair! Wahoo!


  2. your giggles are my good thing. ewwwwwwww
