Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I Get A Haircut In Pakistan

Today I got a haircut. Let's just say this is the first time I've had a person that is not American cut my hair (that I remember) and it's also the first time (I think) that a man has cut my hair. It's really short. Like, really, really, really short, people. I guess the "thing" here for hair is that they make your bangs blend in with the rest of your hair in a sloping manner, making the front part of the hair way shorter than anyone in their right mind would ever want. Anyways, the back of my hair is the length I wanted, the front part, ya know the part everyone can see? Well that is super short, like to my ears short. Ah. Oh well, hair grows back, right? Dead cells form every day, right? Yes. Phew. I keep tugging on my hair hoping it grows back faster, but in the end I just end up with a sore scalp. Lame.

1 comment:

  1. I cut all my hair off after I got back from Thailand.... it's finally growing back!! You are hilarious.
