Monday, May 24, 2010

Ice Lollies & Late-night Runs

A couple days ago... that is to say Friday, Fatima Baji bought some ice cream from the ice cream man. [Oh sweet sweet memories of Queensbury Ct, kickball, and the ice cream man]. Anywho, she came in with the ice cream and went off about how that particular ice cream man didn't have Ice Lollies. "Ice Lolly," I said, "What are those?" She then tried describing it to me, but I didn't really grasp what the idear of an ice lolly was. Oh well. So after dinner tonight, Baji leans over to me and asks if I want an ice lolly. I responded by asking her if that was that thing she was talking about yesterday? She said yes, and I shrugged and said, "Sure why not?" I was a bit hesitant, but reminded myself that it came from the ice cream man so it couldn't be too horrible, right? Riiiight... Naw, I'm kidding, right! She grabs three out of the freezer, hands one to me and my uncle and plops herself down. I look at the green wrapper that says "A flavour with every lick!" with a big picture of an ice cream thing on the front. The picture looked like it had chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry in it, so I was like "Sweeeeet." I open it up and voila! It's a POPSICLE! Go figure. As soon as I saw that I squealed "OHHHH A POPSICLE" in pure delight that Baji looked at me like "She said whaaa?" Then I told her all about how these things are called popsicles in the States! But ice lolly is totally legit, right? Right! Awesome.

So, one day I was chattin' with Baji and she said something about donuts. Um, of course I perked up and asked her if she made them. Haha, she said yes, but we could always get them from Dunkin Donuts. "Ummm, you guys have a Dunkin Donuts here???," I asked. She seemed appalled that I was ask such a stupid question and said that they did, in fact, have multiple Dunkin Donuts. Well, I told her that I don't really believe anything until I see it. SOOOOO, that night my uncle and Baji decided doing a late-night run to Dunkin Donuts was a must. It was ten o'clock at night and I thought they were crazy. Lo' and behold, though. They do have a Dunkin Donuts. You know what Pakistan ALSO has? Crazy drivers. Yes. I know that some of you may already know this because a) you've seen it yourself, or b) I've told you, but Pakistan gots them some crazy people drivers. They don't pay attention to lanes, and instead of honking their horns, they LAY on their horns for minutes at a time. They drive very close to other cars (so close, that on the way to Dunkin Donuts, we brushed at least 2 other rearview mirrors). You see drivers going the wrong way, you see drivers almost running people over, and you see drivers staying calm. Weird. Anyways, there's a bunch of crazy drivers here and it doesn't get any better at night. You would think that at 10 o'clock at night, people would be in their homes (sorta like the States), um, no. I'm pretty sure there were MORE drivers on the road at 10 pm than there would be at, say, 3 pm. It was insane. I really don't have any other way to put it. I was a little scared, to be quite honest. Heh, I made it out alive, though. :) Yay.

On a side note: I'm not, like, one of those people that think Pakistan doesn't have anything. In fact, Pakistan has A LOT. And a lot of stuff is American stuff. For example, Hardee's just opened around here. We passed it that night and it was jam packed. Hardee's isn't all that popular in the States, but here, it is. Pakistan also has Pizza Hut, McDonald's, and a couple other places. Thanks Americanization??

1 comment:

  1. I would just literally never have thought that there would be Dunkin' Donuts there. ha ha

    I heard [saw?] "ice lolly" before in a British chick lit book... I like how it sounds. : )
